Dry Matter Calculator


Calculating the dry matter content of a sample is crucial in various fields, including agriculture and food processing. The dry matter calculator provides a simple yet powerful tool to determine the moisture content of a substance.


The formula for calculating moisture content is:

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Initial Weight: Enter the initial weight of the sample in grams.
  2. Dry Weight: Input the weight of the sample after drying.
  3. Click the Calculate button.

Understanding the Results

The calculator instantly provides the moisture content percentage, giving valuable insights into the sample’s composition.

Why It Matters

Determining moisture content is essential in various industries to ensure product quality, especially in agriculture, food production, and material testing.


The dry matter calculator simplifies a complex calculation, offering a quick and efficient way to assess moisture content. Whether you’re a scientist, farmer, or food processor, understanding the dry matter of a sample is key to making informed decisions.

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