Dbm to Rms Voltage Calculator

Understanding dBm to RMS Voltage Conversion

Power in dBm

The decibel-milliwatt (dBm) is a logarithmic unit used to express power relative to 1 milliwatt. The formula to convert power in dBm to milliwatts is given by:


RMS Voltage Calculation

To calculate the root mean square (RMS) voltage, we use the formula:



  • PmW​ is the power in milliwatts,
  • PdBm​ is the power in dBm,
  • Z is the characteristic impedance in ohms.

Using the Calculator

  1. Enter Power in dBm:
    • Input the power in dBm that you want to convert to RMS voltage.
  2. Enter Characteristic Impedance:
    • Input the characteristic impedance of the circuit in ohms.
  3. Click Calculate:
    • Press the “Calculate” button to execute the conversion.
  4. Result (RMS Voltage):
    • The calculated RMS voltage will be displayed in the result field.


Understanding the conversion from dBm to RMS voltage is crucial in various fields, especially in electronics and telecommunications. This calculator simplifies the process, providing accurate results for your power and impedance inputs.

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