Field Goal Distance Calculator

Introduction: Mastering the Field Goal Distance

In football, accurately estimating the field goal distance is crucial for kickers and coaches. The Field Goal Distance Calculator is designed to provide a precise measurement, taking into account the kick angle, kick height, and gravitational force.

How to Use the Calculator:

  1. Kick Angle (degrees): Input the angle of the kick in degrees.
  2. Kick Height (feet): Input the height from which the ball is kicked.
  3. Gravity (m/s²): Input the gravitational force, usually set to the standard value of 9.81 m/s².
  4. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to find the estimated field goal distance.


Example Solve:

For example, with a kick angle of 45 degrees, a kick height of 5 feet, and standard gravity, the calculated field goal distance is approximately 48.32 yards.


1. What is the standard gravity value used?

  • The standard gravity value used in the calculator is 9.81 m/s².

2. Can I use this calculator for any kick angle?

  • Yes, this calculator considers the kick angle in its calculation, allowing flexibility for various scenarios.

3. Why is the result in yards?

  • The result is in yards for convenience, as it is a common unit of measurement in football.


The Field Goal Distance Calculator provides a valuable tool for kickers and coaches, allowing them to estimate field goal distances accurately. By considering kick angle, kick height, and gravity, this calculator aids in optimizing field goal strategies.

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