Pie Cut Calculator

Pie Cut Calculator: Dividing a Pie Fairly

Calculating the angle and area of each slice in a pie can be crucial when you want to divide it equally among a certain number of people or portions. Here, we’ll walk through the formula and create a simple Pie Cut Calculator using HTML and JavaScript.

How it Works: The Formula

To calculate the angle of each pie slice, we use the formula:

Using the Calculator

  1. Enter the diameter of the pie in inches.
  2. Input the desired number of slices.
  3. Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the angle and area of each slice.
  4. The result will be displayed below the form.

Resetting the Form

If you want to make another calculation, simply hit the “Reset” button to clear the input fields.

Other Useful Headings

  • Tips for Fair Pie Division
    • Consider factors such as personal preferences, dietary restrictions, or special occasions when deciding on the number of slices.
  • Pie Cutting Etiquette
    • Explore traditional ways of cutting pies, like the “star cut” or “radial cut,” and how they can add a festive touch to your dessert presentation.


In conclusion, the Pie Cut Calculator provides a simple and effective way to divide a pie into equal portions, ensuring fairness and precision. By understanding the mathematical formulas for slice angles and areas, users can effortlessly distribute a pie for various occasions. Whether you’re planning a family gathering or a celebration, this calculator helps make pie-cutting a piece of cake. Enjoy the perfect slices and happy sharing

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