Relative Velocity Calculator

Relative Velocity Calculator

Calculating relative velocity is essential in physics, especially when dealing with objects moving in different directions. The relative velocity (vᵣ) between two objects can be determined using the following formula:


how to use the calculator:

  1. Enter the magnitude of the velocity of Object 1 in the “Velocity of Object 1” field.
  2. Enter the magnitude of the velocity of Object 2 in the “Velocity of Object 2” field.
  3. Enter the direction of Object 1 in the “Direction of Object 1” field.
  4. Enter the direction of Object 2 in the “Direction of Object 2” field.
  5. Click the “Calculate” button to find the relative velocity.

Understanding the Results:

The calculated relative velocity will be displayed in the “Relative Velocity” field.


This calculator simplifies the process of determining the relative velocity between two objects moving in different directions. Understanding relative velocity is crucial in various scientific and engineering applications

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