Salinity Calculator

Understanding Salinity Calculation:

Salinity is the concentration of dissolved salts in water, usually expressed in parts per thousand (ppt). The formula for calculating salinity is:

This formula takes into account the amount of salt (in grams) dissolved in a given volume of water (in liters) and converts it to parts per thousand.

How to Use the Salinity Calculator:

  1. Input the water volume in liters.
  2. Input the salt mass in grams.
  3. Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the salinity result.

Understanding the Result:

The result represents the salinity of the solution in parts per thousand (ppt).

Resetting Inputs:

Use the “Reset” button to clear the input fields and recalculate as needed.

Why Salinity Matters:

  1. Aquarium Maintenance
    • Maintaining proper salinity is crucial for the health of marine aquariums.
    • The calculator helps aquarium enthusiasts achieve optimal salt concentration.
  2. Environmental Monitoring
    • Scientists use salinity measurements in bodies of water to study ecosystems and monitor changes.
    • Accurate salinity calculations contribute to understanding and preserving aquatic environments.


This simple Salinity Calculator provides an easy way to determine the salinity of a solution, making it valuable for both hobbyists and scientists.

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