Trimmed Mean Calculator

Understanding Trimmed Mean Calculator

A trimmed mean is a statistical measure that calculates the average of a dataset after excluding a certain percentage of the highest and lowest values. This method helps in minimizing the impact of outliers on the calculated average.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter Data: Input your dataset separated by commas.
  2. Enter Percent to Trim: Specify the percentage of data to be excluded from both ends.
  3. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to compute the trimmed mean.
  4. Result: The calculated trimmed mean will be displayed.

Why Use Trimmed Mean?

Trimmed mean is preferred over simple mean when dealing with datasets containing outliers or extreme values. By removing a certain portion of extreme values, trimmed mean provides a more robust estimation of central tendency.

Advantages of Trimmed Mean:

  • Robustness: Less sensitive to outliers compared to simple mean.
  • Accuracy: Provides a more accurate representation of the central tendency in the presence of outliers.
  • Applicability: Useful in various fields including finance, economics, and research.


In conclusion, the trimmed mean calculator offers a convenient way to compute the trimmed mean of a dataset with ease and accuracy. By excluding a specified percentage of extreme values, this statistical measure provides a robust estimation of central tendency, making it invaluable in various fields where outliers are prevalent

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